Friday, 15 July 2016

Kings of War Undead vs. Abyssals

Played a 2000 point game of Loot against Pathfinder James' Forces of the Abyss.  My list is posted below. I'm very happy with it as I think it represents a balanced force that is able to deal with a wide range of threats and perform well in scenarios.  

James deployed from left to right in the picture. Reg Tortrured Souls, Reg Abyssal Horesmen, Reg Imps, Horde Larva, with winged greater abyssal and Chroneas behind them, Reg Imps with Reg Flamebeards behind. Greater Abyssal, Horde of Lesser Abyssals, Reg of Lesser Abyssals 

I have Revenant Cav, Wraiths, Dragon, Soul Reavers, Wights, Revenant Regiment, ASB, Archers, Necromancer, Horde Revenants, Wraiths. 

Loot counters are in the middle, I won the turn to go first and gave it to James. I didn't want to advance into range of his shooting on the first turn, and I though he might come into charge range if he was feeling aggressive. 


Deployment from another angle 

Abyssals advanced forward cautiosly 

Undead move up on the left, the wraiths are in charge range of the Abyssal Horesemen, and the winged  greater abyssal (barely, which I had not realized)

Ab Horesmen took out the Wraiths and Winged Greater Abyssal charged the soul reavers in the woods and only managed a couple of wounds. 

Horsemen reformed

The Dragon and Revenant Cav routed the Abyssal Horesmen. The Soul Reavers and Wraiths charged the Greater Abyssal but despite lots of wounds could not rout it.  My right flank wraiths flew in behind his lines. Revenant Horde collected a loot token.

Imps and Greater Abyssal put 11 wounds on the Wraiths and then roll a 3 for the rout check. 

Tortured souls charged the dragon. Larva charged the revenant regiment, Lower Abyssal Horde and Imps charged the Rev Horde. 

The dragon was blocking my Rev cav, so I moved him out of the way (but forgot that he should have lost his nimble). They hit the Tourtured souls hard but can't rout them. Soul Reavers went into the side of the greater abyssal and rout him. Wraiths can't rout the Imps. My revenant Horde routs the imps and reforms against his Horde. My right Wraiths dance around his Lesser Regiment. I was just trying to prevent them from getting a flank on my horde. 

The left flank is starting to look good for me.

Tourtured Souls put 7 wounds on the Rev Cav but can't break them. The Imps however rout the Wraiths.  Chroneas breathes on the Dragon for a few more wounds but doesn't rout him. Larvae and Rev Regiment are counting their slap fight in the middle. The two hordes are battling it out.

 I finally manage a hop and surge with the Wraiths routing the Lesser Abyssal Regiment. 

The Rev Cav routed the tourtured Souls, The Soul Reavers and Dragon rout Chroneas. The blocks in the centre remain tied  up. I now have two loot tokens, Rev Cav and Rev Horde vs. James one with the Imps, who are staring down soul reavers. 

Imps charge the soul reavers. Greater Abyssal wipes out the Wraiths.

Soul Reavers rout the Imps. Dragon flanks the Horde and routs it. I now have all three loot tokens. I think this is bottom of the fifth turn

Slightly zoomed out.

I missed the Abyssal players turn. Greater Abyssal only needed a 6 on the nerve check to rout the Horde but rolls a 3. Flame Bearers put a couple wounds on the Soul Reavers. Who charge and rout them. Dragon and Horde put some wounds on the Greater Abyssal. 

Game ends on turn 6. Undead have 3 loot tokens and are in command of the board. 

A great game, that really felt like it went back and forth. The imps taking down my wights was one of the highlights. Tactically my list performed well. The infantry held ground while my fast arm broke through then came in on the flank. The combo charge from the Soul Reavers and Dragon is really enough against most units.  James' army is nicely painted and it inspired me to hurry up and finish the basing for my guys (and finally paint the dragon). I think James' only mistake was being too worried about my wraiths on the right flank, he ended up keeping the lesser abyssal horde and greater demon back so they couldn't hop over his lines, but I think he would have been better off pushing to get either unit into the flank of my horde.