Monday, 17 June 2019

Warhammer 40k Ynnari vs. Tau

2000 point ITC Game vs. Tau

Scenarion 3:
Hammer and Anvil Deployment

This is my first time trying a mixed vehicle focused Aeldari with an Ynnari Supreme Command.

Flyer Wing

3 x Razorwing Jetfighter [8 PL, 135pts]Twin splinter rifle
. 2 Disintegrator Cannons: 2x Disintegrator cannon

Battalion Detachment Alaitoc

Farseer Skyrunner
Warlock Skyrunner

 6x Ranger

 5x Ranger

20x Guardians 2 x Shuriken platforms

Warp Hunter

Warp Hunter

 Supreme Command Detachment : Ynnari

Autarch Skyrunner: Banshee Mask, Power sword, Fusion Gun, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Walker of Many Paths, Ynnari Warlord
. Hungering Blade

Wraithseer D-cannon
. The Lost Shroud


5x GhostswordsWraithblades

Wave Serpent  Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Vectored Engines

My friend was running his flamer focused Tau army. He's trying something new after getting bored with the triple riptide, triple broadside, list.

Tau Army
All Borkan Sept

Outrider Detachment:
Coldstar 4x Flamers
2x Shield Drones
2 x Yvarha
5 x Shield Drones
5 x Shield Drones

Vanguard Detachment:
Coldstar 4x Flamers
3 x Ghostkeels with stealth drones
4 x Crisis Suits with 3 flamers

Vanguard Detachment:
Coldstar 4x Fusions
3 x Farsight Marksman


Old School
Big Game Hunter
Head Hunter

Behind Enemy Lines
Marked for Death: 2 Yharvas and 2 Coldstars

Deployment: I put the guardians and both ranger units in deepstrike. Wraithseer is up front on its own, everything else is trying to stay out of LOS. The Tau have the 3 Ghostkeels infiltrated up and everything else ready to advance up the middle.

Thoughts: If I get first turn the wraithseer will be able to go after the ghost keel with only 1 getting to overwatch. The warphunters are hidden out of line of sight. Waveserpent is ready to advance forward with the blades.

Tau get first turn.


End of Tau Turn 1: He montkas forward and one Yvarha can see the Wraith seer and kills it. But he has advance both Yvarhas out of drone range.  The Ghoskeels and fusion commanders drop the wave serpent to 5 wounds and the Razorwing to 2. Overall not too bad. I guess I should have been more conservatively with the wraith seer, but happy the wave serpent didn't die because that would have put more flamers into range.
End of Tau Turn 1

End of Eldar Turn 1: I decide to go aggressive with the Warphunters and move into flamer range to see if I can get both Yvarhas since they don't have drones. Blades and character move up to charge into the ghost keels. The 2 undamaged razor wings go long so they can score secondaries. I get Doom, Jinx, and the 5++ off, but fail unbind souls on the ghost keel so have to use the stratagem. The first warp hunter rolls a 2 for number of shots I re-roll with CP and get another 2. 1 goes through and I roll a 2 for damage. Second warp hunter rolls a 1 for number of shots get the 1 through and rolls a 1 for damage. So out of a possible 72 damage from the warphunters I did 3...  Luckily the Razorwings step up and all their Disintegrators and missiles kill off the Yvarha. But it means that all his little backfield stuff is still alive.

Assault phase, the Autarch with Banshee mask shuts off 2 commanders and 2 ghost keels and the Waveserpent charges the third. The Autarch kills one Coldstar Yvraine the other and the Wraithblades do 2 wounds to a Ghostkeel. Did not realize they have a 4++ in combat as well.

Overall not as good a turn as I was hoping but the Autarch did great and if the Warphunters can weather the Yvarha next turn, I should be doing good. Also I moved my Warphunter over the centre line so I did not score Recon. I was going to "fire and fade" but forgot.  Scoring=   Tau 4 Points- Eldar 5 Points
End of Eldar Turn 1

End of Tau Turn 2:
He thought about hopping the Yvarha forward to kill my two psykers but decides against it. Instead he pulls back into drone range with the Keels and Yvarha. Yvarha does 9 wounds to each Warphunter. Keels finish off the front one. Crisis suits flame down the damaged Razorwing. Autarch eats some flamers but stays alive.

- Very happy that I still have a warp hunter that could have easily been worse for me.
End of Tau Turn 2

End of Eldar Turn 2:

Guardians arrive via deep strike and kill 7 drones, which I was happy with. Warphunter gets a 5 on the number of shots and drops the second Yvarha. Autarch goes after the Coldstar and fails. Wave serpent dies on overwatch and the Wraithblades and Yvraine drop a keel to 2 wounds. Rangers also arrive on his half of the table in deep strike.

Scoring= Tau 8 points -  Eldar 12 points
End of Eldar Turn 2

 End of Tau Turn 3:
Keels kill the Warpunter and some Guardians. Crisis suits kill a Wraithblade. Coldstar kills the autarch and I use my last 2 CP on "Back from the Brink" to keep him alive with 3 wounds.   

 End of Tau Turn 3

End of Eldar Turn 3: Game Called

Autarch Shuts down the Coldstar and Crisis Overwatch and kills the Coldstar while the Wraithblades murder the Crisis suits. A "Doomed" Keel goes down to the guardians. He only had three Farsight Marksman and 2 damaged Keels at this point so we called the game.

Scoring Tau 11 points - Eldar 20 points
End of Eldar Turn 3


- Ghost keels are tough.

- MVP was the Autarch, he was a great character assassin, and no over watch was big. However, with the ruin there I could have minimized a lot of it with good positioning. With my opponents limited CP I did not manage to regen many.

- Variance on the Warphunter is frustrating.

Overall it was a fun game and I enjoyed playing the list. It was fun to zoom the fighters around and the Wratihblades were a fun melee unit. The Tau player decided his list was fun too, but is not optimized for ITC with the small drone units and no troops. Based off this game there is nothing I would change in the list. In the future I will not leave the wraithseer out of its own.

Saturday, 1 June 2019

ITC Scenario 3
Pointy Dawn of War Deployment

Custodes Secondaries
- Headhunter
- Big Game Hunter
- Recon

Tau Secondaries
- Old School
- Headhunter
- Kingslayer


Operative Requisition Sanctioned [85pts, -2CP]
Captain-General Trajann Valoris [10 PL, 185pts]
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 164pts]: Auric Aquilis, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 161pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 161pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 161pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
Vexillus Praetor [6 PL, 120pts]: Impregnable Mind, Storm Shield, Vexilla Magnifica, Warlord
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought (Beta) [13 PL, 272pts]: Arachnus Storm Cannon, Arachnus Storm Cannon, Spiculus Bolt Launcher
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [13 PL, 196pts, 4CP] ++
Imperial Commander's Armoury [-1CP]: 1 additional Heirloom of Conquest
Company Commander [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol, Relic: Kurov's Aquila
Primaris Psyker [2 PL, 46pts]: Force Stave
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Laspistol
++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium - Imperial Knights) [25 PL, 494pts, -2CP] ++
Exalted Court [-1CP]: Exalted Court: 1 Extra Warlord Trait
Heirlooms of the Household [-1CP]: Heirlooms of the Household: 1 Extra Heirloom
Household Choice: House Krast, Questor Mechanicus
Knight Crusader [25 PL, 494pts]: Character (Exalted Court), Character (Heirloom of the House), Heavy Stubber, Heirloom (Krast): The Headsman's Mark, Ironstorm Missile Pod, Warlord Trait (Krast): First Knight
. Avenger Gatling Cannon w/ Heavy Flamer: Avenger Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer
. Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon w/ Heavy Stubber: Heavy Stubber, Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon

Tau List

Tau Spearhead
Commander with 3x CIB, ATS
3x hammerheads with Ion cannon and SMS , Seeker missiles

Tau Spearhead
Commander with 3x CIB, ATS
3x Skyrays

Sacea Battalion
Commander with 3x CIB, ATS
Cadre Fireblade
3x5 Fire Warrrios
3x Firesight
2x Devilfish

Pre Game thoughts:

Tau has a tone of high AP flying shooting which is going to hurt. Thankfully not a ton of overwatch other than the commanders and Longstrike.  Either the knight or most of the custodians are going to die turn 1. I can hide some of the custodians behind the center LOS terrain. The knight I'm just going to have to hope I roll hot on invulnerable saves. What I don't want is for him to just move around the center terrain shooting at me while staying out of charge range. So I'm going to move the knight up one side and the custodians up the other.


I have an IG squad on either flank, the Custodians ready to run out of LOS and the knight to go forward.
He has castled up with Devilfish on the sides. Longstrike out of LOS and the commanders in the middle of all his tanks.

Turn 1 Custodes

Custodes advance forward. The Telemon drops a skyray to 4 wounds. The Knight drops another to 3. No kills for me

Turn 1 Tau

Longstrike moves into his spot and a commander calls Kauyon. The left devilfish advances onto the objective while the right devilfish moves into a blocking position in case the knight survives.  In the shooting phase it does not survive. He uses the markerlight strat to get +1 to hit on the knight, combined with Kauyon and focus fire he is hitting on 2s or 3's with re-roll hits and re-roll wounds. I think it took the 3 skyrays and 2 hammerheads to kill the Knight. Longstrike and another hammerhead put 4 wounds on the telemon. (He rolled 1 shot for overcharged longstrike, re-rolled and got another 1.) SMS kill 1 Custodian.

He gets 1 kill and kill more and maxes Kingslayer

Turn 2 Custodes

Telemon puts a few wounds on a hammerhead.

Vindicare kills a firesight.

Trajan makes a long charge on the devilfish (I have to use a command re-roll to turn a 3 into a 4 and it pays off) along with the IG squad. He has to use his fight twice to kill it though.

The bike charges the two skyrays and takes 6 wounds from overwatch. He kills the wounded one in combat. 2 Custodian squads make long charge on the other skyray and drop it to 4 wounds.

Turn 2 Tau

The tanks shuffle away from the Custodians and then delete them in the shooting phase. The right devilfish shoots the IG squad off the objective. The left fire warriors kill the IG.

Turn 3 Custodes

Telemon kills the front hammerhead.

Vindicare double kills the firesight marksmen.

I make another long charge with my last Custodian squad kill a skyray and consolidate into Commanders and hammerheads. The Vexilla charges the fire warriors on the objective and kills some of them.

Trajan also make a long charge to longstrike and kills him.
Turn 3 Tau

Hammerheads kill the Telemon. But end up in heroic intervention range of Trajan who puts some wounds on it.

The commanders kill the last Custodes squad.

Devilfish and Fire warriors kill the company commander and last IG squad.

Turn 4 Custodes

Trajan and the Vexilla kill one hammerhead and consolidate into the other. Vindicare fails to kill the Commander warlord who was down to one wound from overcharging.

Turn 4 Tau

The Primaries Psyker dies. Trajan eats a ton of Ion but lives! Tau player rolled very poorly of his three commanders and I rolled well for my invulnerable saves. But the Tau hold all four objectives and get the bonus point.

Turn 5 Custodes

Trajan moves to stand on an objective while the between the Vindicare and Character shooting, self wounding from overwatch and splitting attacks in combat all three commanders are killed.
Turn 5 Tau

The Devilfish charges the Vindicare to prevent any chance of it being able to take an objective. Trajan takes a lot of fire but is still standing.

Turn 6 Tau and Custodes

With only three models left the Custodes try to hide and are able to weather the last bits of Tau fire.

Tau won 27-21

Tau maxed their secondary objectives and were able to get the bonus point on two turns. The Custodes only got 1 Recon point. Which was a mistake to take with that huge piece of terrain in the middle of the table.

In the end the game was closer than I though it was going to be without getting a kill turn one, while the knight went down in the first turn. I thought my list was fun, and on a different board or against a different opponent I think it has the ability to be competitive.

I should have tried to hide the Knight a bit better so that he couldn't Kauyon on the first turn with everything and been able to focus all my shooting on one of the tanks. I was very lucky with my charge rolls which kept me in the game.